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Sitar Milczarek

Sitar & Milczarek

Criminal Appeals & Complex Trials

The Defence Toolkit


The Defence Toolkit serves up summaries and commentary on the editor’s choice of the three best Canadian criminal defence cases every week. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to get notified of new posts.

The Defence Toolkit – October 19, 2024: Gang Membership Challenge

This week's top three summaries: R v Whitehawk, 2024 SKCA 95: #gang challenge, R v Lewis, 2024 ONSC 5261: counsel #table, and R v Batista, 2024 ONSC 5455: #functus officio R v Whitehawk, 2024 SKCA 95 [October 9, 2024] Challenge for Cause: Gang Membership [Reasons by Jeffrey D. Kalmakoff J.A. with Brian A. Barrington-Foote and Jillyne M. Drennan concurring]  AUTHOR’S NOTE: In this case, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal revisited the law governing challenges for cause in jury selection, with a...

The Defence Toolkit – October 12, 2024: A Ruse Stop

This week's top three summaries: R v Gallant, 2024 ABKB 541: s.8 #ruse stop, R v Reimer, 2024 ABCJ 188: #disturbance & #mischief, and R v Clyke, 2024 NSCA 66: re-opening #appeal R v Gallant, 2024 ABKB 541 [September 16, 2024] Charter s.8: Ruse Traffic Stop [Justice Eleanor J Funk]  AUTHOR’S NOTE: In this case, Justice Funk provided a critical analysis of the line between lawful "dual purpose" traffic stops and unlawful "ruse" stops under section 8 of the Charter, which protects individuals...

The Defence Toolkit – October 5, 2024: The Principled Exception

This week's top three summaries: R v Charles, 2024 SCC 29: #principled exception, R v R.A., 2024 ONCA 696: #spontaneous utterance, and R v DPT, 2024 ABCA 299: cross-count #evidence R v Charles, 2024 SCC 29 [September 25, 2024] The Principled Exception to Hearsay [Majority Reasons by Moreau J. with Karakatsanis, Martin, and Jamal JJ. concurring]  AUTHOR’S NOTE by K. SITAR: This appeal turned on the admissibility of an out-of-court written statement provided by a Crown witness, KA. When called...
The Defence Toolkit – August 31, 2024: Identifying a Voice

The Defence Toolkit – August 31, 2024: Identifying a Voice

This week's top three summaries: R v AW, 2024 ONCA 564: #voice ID, R v Jeremschuk, 2024 ABCA 268: #angry self defence, and R v Roche-Garcia, 2024 BCCA 298: s.715.1 embedded #hearsay R v AW, 2024 ONCA 564 [July 17, 2024] Voice Identification [Reasons by L. Madsen J.A....

The Defence Toolkit – July 20, 2024: Chokeholds and Legal Error

The Defence Toolkit – July 20, 2024: Chokeholds and Legal Error

This week's top three summaries: R v Hodgson, 2024 SCC 25: #error of law, R v DB, 2024 ONCA 546: accused #reaction, and R v Belval, 2024 ABCA 215: s276 con't #gatekeeper. R v Hodgson, 2024 SCC 25 [July 12, 2024] Appeals: Definition of an Error of Law, Intent for...

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The Defence Toolkit – June 22, 2024: “Mistaken Beliefs”

The Defence Toolkit – June 22, 2024: “Mistaken Beliefs”

This week's top three summaries: R v JB, 2024 ONCA 465: s.276 #mistaken belief, R v Jacques-Taylor, 2024 ONCA 458: s.11(b) #joint prosecution, and R v Neville, 2024 ABCA 191: Crown appeal #limits. R v JB, 2024 ONCA 465 [June 12, 2024] s.271: Honest but Mistaken Belief...

The Defence Toolkit – June 15, 2024 “Rolled up Instruction”

The Defence Toolkit – June 15, 2024 “Rolled up Instruction”

This week's top three summaries: R v Zeng, 2024 ONCA 386: #rolled up instruction, R v AB, 2024 ONCA 446: #subjective mens rea, and R v Howitt, 2024 SKCA 51: 161 #tailoring. R v Zeng, 2024 ONCA 386 [May 15, 2024] Party Liability Jury Instructions and Crown Theory...

The Defence Toolkit – June 8, 2024: “Edited Statement”

The Defence Toolkit – June 8, 2024: “Edited Statement”

This week's top three summaries: R v Purvis, 2024 NSCA 54: #editing stmt, R v Mostowy, 2024 BCCA 197: #severance, and R v Kwon, 2024 SKCA 50: #ungrounded assumptions. R v Purvis, 2024 NSCA 54 [May 22, 2024] Accused Statements: Editing Voir Dire Required, Also:...

The Defence Toolkit – May 18, 2024: Third Party Suspect

The Defence Toolkit – May 18, 2024: Third Party Suspect

This week's top three summaries: R v Appleton, 2024 ONCA 329: third party #suspect, R v AB, 2024 ONCA 111: CI #privilege, and R v Burkhard, 2024 ONCA 353: prior #consistent stmts. R v Appleton, 2024 ONCA 329 [May 2, 2024] Third Party Suspect: No Need for Application...

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