by Pawel Milczarek | Jul 22, 2023 | Addiction Mitigation, Appeals, Criminal Organization, Gladue - Mitigation, Insufficient Reasons, Resolving Conflicting Versions, Sentencing
This week’s top three summaries: R v Abdullahi, 2023 SCC 19: #appellate review, crim org, R v Murillo, 2023 SKCA 78: #conflicting evidence, and R v Phillips, 2023 ABCA 210: #Gladue, addiction mitigation. This week’s top two cases deal primarily with...
by Pawel Milczarek | Jul 15, 2023 | Appeals, Assault, Driving Prohibitions, Fresh Evidence, Sentencing, Unreasonable Verdict
This week’s top three summaries: Nagle v R, 2023 NBCA 35: #assault, #appeals, R v Haroon, 2023 MBCA 60: release of #exhibits, and R v Basque, 2023 SCC 18: #pre-trial driving prohib. This week’s top two cases deal primarily with appellate law. For great...
by Pawel Milczarek | Jul 1, 2023 | Accused - Irrelevant Factors, Credibility, Dangerous Offender, Evidence, Prior Consistent Statements, Sentencing
This week’s top three summaries: R v Thompson, 2023 SKCA 66: #credibility of accused, R v Freedland, 2023 ONCA 386: prior consistent #statements, and R v Sohal, 2023 BCCA 256: DO standard of high #likelihood. This week’s top case deals with the judicial...
by Pawel Milczarek | Jun 10, 2023 | CSO for Serious Offence, Disclosure, Gladue - Mitigation, Sentencing, Witness Protection Program
This week’s top three summaries: R v Rabbit, 2023 ABCA 170: #gladue reduction, R v TJH 2023 YKCA 2: #CSO for s.151, and R v Gabad, 2023 ABKB 267: s.7 #witness protection records. This week’s top two cases deal with sentencing issues. For great general...
by Pawel Milczarek | Jun 3, 2023 | Absence of Motive to Fabricate, Accused Election, Credibility, Fraud, Fundamental Concepts
This week’s top three summaries: R v Kitch, 2023 NSCA 33: #fraud elements and reasons, R v RW, 2023 ONCA 250: IAC and #re-election, and R v Taher, 2023 ONSC 1568: #motive to fabricate. This week’s top case deals with the elements of fraud and required...